Monday, March 23, 2009

My Husband's a Lucky Man

Because I love to mow the lawn!!!  I grew up never mowing the lawn but in my years of home ownership I have become obsessed with this duty.  Today was the first day it really needed it after the LONG winter and I forgot just how much I enjoy it - the smell of freshly cut grass, the aroma of mint (planted long ago from Mema's stash at One Devondale), the chirping of birds, the beautiful pinkish sky, the smell of gasoline (is that just me? I did eat chalk while pregnant, so I don't know - and for those of you who didn't know that, perhaps I need a separate blog on that because I'm not weird, so I should explain it).  Speaking of pregnant (not - I'm 45) but many years ago while I was mowing the lawn 7 months pregnant and not caring about that one bit, my BeBe pulled in the driveway as she often did and had a look of shame on you on her face.  Pregnant ladies did not mow the lawn in her day.  The man of the house did that.  I do remind that man how lucky he is that he married someone who allows him to just cross that to do off his list.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Because I Have Been Given Much

In this day and age where we feel so much of what we have tangible slipping away (401K, housing value, money) it has given me the opportunity to truly reflect on the things which are most priceless that cannot be taken away, no matter where our economy is headed:

-Happy and productive children who think its fun to stay home on Saturday night and make a movie on the computer, laughing, giggling and keeping their little brother very entertained.
-Health and a body that can do all I want it to.  
-A man who still makes my heart swoon (minus the black socks and shorts, practical but oh so wrong)
-My belief and faith in the Savior and the comfort He can give us through trials.
-Keeping in touch with friends and family through the blogosphere.  
-Love of country - no matter how much we don't like what's going on right now, we are free and have the ability to speak out against what we don't like without fear of retaliation.  

As I get older (and older...) I realize each and every day just what truly is important and how much I have been given.