So along with the world turning 2010, I get to turn a year older too - 46 sounds a lot better than 2010, but seriously - we're looking at 50 in the not too distant future. If there were a magic fountain of youth pill, I might be getting interested about now. I know I will get old, but I'm not feeling it yet, and I count that as a blessing every day. Having a functioning body and my health are true gifts. I don't need earrings, or clothes or a new camera (well, I kind of need a camera since I've lost mine) - a working, pain free body is the best gift of all.
We've become a fit family here at home. Sometime in 2009 my beloved decided it was time, once and for all, to drop a few pounds - 50 to be exact. He looks great and feels great. He runs, does the elliptical, shops for pants in normal stores. We don't run together, but I've developed a love of running - not too far - but I get it now, why people do it. Michael is on the cross country team at Maryville, Madeline runs all over the tennis court and Andrew is following in her footsteps with his Tuesday tennis with some home school buddies.
And because I can't think of anyway to segue into my daughter getting to play princess for a night with her beau Dan, but many of you have asked to see her pix - I'm including her night at the Veiled Prophet ball - a strange tradition in St. Louis Society, of which we're not a part but she's got the right connections and had a fun night.
Hello Julie! Happy new year. It sounds you had a good year. I hope 2010 is as good as 2009.
You'll never be old! You two will always be the young fun cousins!
Mad looks great and I am so proud to hear that the cross country tradition is alive in the family! Happy Healthy New Year!!
Gorgeous, though I can't say I'm all that comfortable with your kids being so old. Do you remember when you and Todd were my primary teachers? You were pregnant with number 1 and eating saltine crackers during class. Besides, you guys will never look older than 25, no matter how old your children get. I just love you guys!
happy happy birthday!! you are beautiful and will never look old ~ wish i could say the same, i am hating aging!!
madeleine looks beautiful there are definite advantages to the private school thing!
i am determined to get more fit this year, and in some way keep up with my husband (i won't even get close but i can try!) i love your posts, i just crave more! i am considering facebook, that's where i am at for now!
You and Todd will forever be the cool wearing the green and pink sweater vest... kissing in the back of the Jolly's station wagon! You ARE the fountain of youth! Mad looks amazing! You'll have to explain the dance she went to...I'm fascinated!
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